Add an Image

Media Library

The media library contains all of the images you can use on your website. You can add more by uploading them from your computer, Google Photos, or a built-in search of free stock photos via Pexels.

screenshot of media library upload options

Upload from a computer

  1. In the dashboard sidebar, click Media.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Use the File Explorer window to find the image(s) you want to add.
  4. Select the image(s). (To add multiple images, hold the Ctrl button and click each image.)
  5. Click Open.

Note: You can also upload images while editing a page. When you insert an image content block, you can upload, choose from your media library, or paste a URL.

screenshot of image content block


  1. Upload the images from the previous section to your media library.
  2. Add them to a page on your website.

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